The Communicating Complexity Project – Primer #1
This week we announce the launch of the Communicating Complexity Project (CCP) in New York City. CCP’s objective is to propel a global collective of universities, corporations, foundations and individuals to advance the capacity of all people, and the internet, to extract, synthesize and communicate systemic knowledge.
Because language and culture drive how you perceive and think, and because we believe the very language I am using now, your language, is archaic when it comes to anything complex, and because we can imagine a new higher level multimedia language that can better communicate complexity, we have the conundrum of figuring out this new language while relying on English to introduce you to something new and momentus that your language has programmed you not to recognize. We invite you to explore the language twilight zone which in this case tells the story of a new dimension of sight and sound that is unavailable and invisible to you, yet which represents the real and now with better systemic integrity than words.
CCP believes that if all of us had access to a common systemic language, the world would be a better place.
We are going to use the English language to begin the process of introducing a higher level dynamic multi-modal semiotic language – WAY – that we suspect will ultimately become the language of choice for anything complex, systemic and multidimensional – emerging as the new language for the internet, for human endeavor and for complex understanding.
PRIMER #1 THE PROBLEM WE ARE TRYING TO SOLVE It takes an enormous amount of diligent conscious work to think differently about anything deeply embedded in our inherited programming and life experience. It is so effortful that most of us never see what is outside the mental box placed over us and within us.
Primer #1 is a tiny first step toward the full introduction of systemics and dynamic semiotics. And for what it is worth, the word “systems” already distorts our message because that single word is all we have in your language to incorporate an enormous spectrum of constructs. In your language, the word “system” cannot distinguish whether and how any system under study has been consciously derived, whether such a system has clear and measurable objectives, whether the objectives and mechanisms are open to new knowledge or fixed and dogmatic, whether the “system” is merely an accumulation of incremental inherited disparate pieces, with what variables and variable relationships the system is composed of, whether the “system” is an inherited chaotic amalgam that cannot sustain itself or even how the system maps multivariate nano to macro perspectives. A “system” in your language is incapable of communicating the critical natures of any system.
The term semiotics refers to anything that represents something other than the medium itself. The classic French image of a pipe is a semiotic representation of the physical entity that we call a pipe - it is certainly not the pipe itself – pas question. An actual tree is partially represented by a sketched semiotic image of a tree, or by the word. These letters and words are semiotic when they are used together to represent constructs – not their unique pixel shapes and relationships. A stop sign combines two semiotic media – the unique shape and color (and context) of the universal sign and the whole word itself. A siren can become a semiotic representation of emergency.
For our purposes, we now expose you to the idea that Dynamic Systemic Semiotics can be, and can be imagined as, a new representational “language” consisting of media forms that are consciously organized for intuitive universal human recognition through visual, auditory and multi-sensory fixed and changing patterns, shapes, contexts, relationships, exchanges and ongoing accumulations.
These short introductory paragraphs are most likely cryptic. We told you it would likely be difficult. But hopefully, the following very simple examples will help us figure out how to best communicate some of the complexity of the Communicating Complexity Project to you.
Example #1: Black and White She was an older black woman seeking employment.
The SLANT of your language twists our nurture oriented systemic perspective into a brazenly distorted and illogical characterization of a human being and into an incompetent characterization of systemic context. Most of you probably see nothing wrong with the bold headline. While this common language example has been chosen purposefully to try and push against the SLANT of your inherited way of communicating, we admit this example barely nibbles at the much larger injustices of non-systemic thinking.
There is no such thing as a black person and the very use of the two words together (sometimes just one harsh word – “an older black seeking employment”) damages the entire class of people who are reflected in the subject of the headline. If systemic nurture is our objective, branding a person as a color, always in contrast to white, reinforces every prejudicial bone in your body. If the headline story involves the topic of racism, even then, the use of a false and extreme short hand label is unnecessary and gives more momentum to the SLANT of choosing to see the complex as simple black and white boxes. You are so used to your skeleton language that it is virtually impossible to put on systemic glasses. There is no black person or white person or brown person or red person or yellow person. The thousands of variants and scores of essential variables that define each person and their systemic context are invisible – all that is expressed is a distorted superficial label of racially tinged color. There isn’t even such a thing as just a man or a woman – these two categories are obviously forced on us – even as we have recently become aware that there are vast spectrums of overlapping, intersecting gender characteristics and whatever they are at one point in time can change. Saying “she is a woman” changes the perception of a person. Instead of viewing the person as a rich dynamic equal your language refuses to allow us to refer to the person without a gender designation. Gender differentiation is forced into the conversation through your language. And references to false skin color to characterize people causes you to classify people first according to those absurd boxes, instead of perceiving them inclusively as an equal human being that defies simplified branding. And yes, because you have this causal language loop that forces you to communicate by branding people fictionally by age, color or gender, you feel the need to use the brands in order to determine if racism or sexism or prejudice exists despite the fact that very use of the ubiquitous blinding check box characterizations of complex human beings recycles and reinforces the core problem – the lack of a systemic viewpoint that considers human beings as inclusive equals, as deserving of nurture and justice and requiring the pursuit of systemic truth – which is that the conscious, subconscious and corporal perception of oneself and others can only be nurturing and just when the SLANT of distortions and fictitious labels and pre- programmed prejudices gives way to a caring, inclusive embrace of one-ness. What has happened is that your shared language has mindlessly assigned polarizing forced checkbox colors such as white, brown, red, yellow, black and “people of color” to how you engage and perceive multi-dimensional people with an enormous spectrum of real skin pigments and facial features and an even larger spectrum of rich derivation, circumstance, diversity and substance. The stark branding box of actual and checkbox imagined exterior physical characteristics has become a coded semiotic, a never-neutral shortcut for "them", one of "them", an alien, one who is like all of them, one who fits into a single holding cell checkbox tolerance – not one of "us". The ubiquitous stereotypes of checkbox colors and monolithic maxi-brands of human beings make us less inclusive, less likely to see someone as an equal among the diverse family of humanity.
And for those of you who are wondering, we certainly do not believe we should avoid or ignore racial, ethnic, gender and diversity statistics and realities that are designed to protect the equality of all people and enhance the pursuit of truth. We believe though that it is most often absolutely unnecessary, and often absolutely systemically harmful, for the semiotic of a whole and beautiful human being to be reduced to a polarizing narrow minded color or mentally binding label designation. In addition, we recognize that human beings are genetically wired to identify difference, to perceive gender, to instantly perceive contrasts in face/shape/color and to identify with the familiar – suspicious of the unfamiliar. This means our undertaking requires a significant amount of deep conscious reprogramming to push against the SLANT of genetics and life experience in order to see people and life as equals and to ultimately embed the subconscious with the same programming.
Even reference to age is a missed opportunity. Most of the time, age has no systemic bearing on how we understand a human being in context. There are scores of variables and constructs that can be used to characterize any human being seeking employment. The misleading inheritance of age labelling distorts our holistic perceptions of ourselves and others, disrupts inclusive behaviors, and loops into itself when used to reflect the possible prejudice associated with the very use of the age label.
And finally, lets briefly discuss “seeking employment”. If systemic nurture was among your objectives, everyone would have a proactively originated opportunity to constructively participate in group activities with reward or without reward. Instead, the people who have inherited or gained access to government, capital, resources and enterprise structures control access to reward based activities – and non-empowered people are put in the position of having to sell themselves, to compete, to accommodate the restrictions and stresses that often come from traditional jobs, and to push against the heavy handed weak minded stereotypes that come from superficial branding and labeling and judging. Today, it is common, if not the practice, for organizations to screen out and deny people access to the employment process because of superficial SLANT based check box computer filters that ignore systemics and science. Employment is a hierarchical contractual mechanism where the employer possesses autocratic powers and the contractee is vulnerable to many forms of harm and is reduced to restricted forms of reward and benefit. There is no fair and equitable system of employment. There is no such thing as a system of employment. There can be. There is no objective to embed everyone with an inclusive perspective that embraces systems that nurture. Bringing this discussion back to the Communicating Complexity Project, there has never been a systemic movement that addresses the inadequacy of your language to communicate the diversity and richness of systemic understanding – until now.
Here are some tiny examples of how Dynamic Systemic Semiotics could address the issues we have just raised.
Lets begin with sound. Sound can stand alone but in practice will find itself as a supportive semiotic to visual. Sound is a profoundly dynamic semiotic that can be shaped through linguistic guidance into a robust global communications systemic using simple template of patterns and sound forms to signify meaning. Sound can translate many variables into layers and progressions of resonant signal that human beings are wired to recognize. Our version of Dynamic Semiotic sound empowers any group or culture to modify the originating language templates, but not the core universal semiotic language principles, so that the sounds that best translate meaning for users can adapted to culture or taste or creative interpretation. Imagine a digital story about the headline we began this primer with. If we were systemically inclined, we might introduce a multi-layered progression of sounds that describe the life of the person according to a particular focused objective. Meaning is paramount. What is the highest order meaning we wish to convey about the person in the story? Dynamic Semiotics creates ontologies, stories, short sets of variables, that characterize systemic meaning. Do we wish to understand the deprivation and pain the person has experienced? Do we wish to understand the change in the person’s emotional states across time? Do we wish to experience the person’s needs and desires? Do we wish to explore how driven and resilient this person is? Do we wish to understand just how that person was denied access to resources and experiences in contrast to others? Patterns of sound sets can complement, integrate, enhance, amplify or displace the simplistic visual patterns we will explore in just a moment. But we would not use sound to define the person’s skills or other hard variables – that meaning is best approached through visualization. Sound can be a single note, a tone, a composition, changes in pattern, manifold layers flooded with the many variants and characteristics of sound while fully considering how human beings process sound for meaning.
Assume for this sound example that the amazing Zoe Keating knew this person and constructed a very high level compressed essence of this person – emphasizing the person’s push against SLANT. Somewhere in the story about this person we would embed the following composition – written in concert with, incorporating, the linguistically guided semiotic sound templates that signify meaning. These semiotically constructed sounds should be intuitively embraced by your conscious and subconscious, easily translated into our ontologies of meaning. No listener will interpret the meaning of this composition the same way – but everyone can understand an intimate essence of the systemic human being in context. Is this a black woman looking for a job or is this a charged human being, pained, consciously pushing against the forms of SLANT that deny that person equality and justice. The sound can begin with a rollover or click during the story, or can automatically begin when the reader scrolls to a certain point in the text, or can be embedded in the dynamic semiotic visual maps that we will describe next. The person who is the subject of the story, or anyone interested in modifying the sounds through a mediated process, can create a new branch of sound that replaces or offers alternative to the original. Experience a partial characterization of the consciousness of a human being through sound:
She was an older black woman seeking employment. We do not yet have an fully working engine capable of fulfilling the creative potential for dynamic semiotics. What we will share with you are relatively primitive examples that we hope will stimulate your imagination about just how beautiful and essential dynamic semiotics will be some day – with your help.
This dynamic semiotic model introduces the concept of using ontologically organized multi-dimensional cellular forms to represent meaning. We’re not going to try to explain the enormous amount of research, debated thought processes and scores of derivations that caused us to conclude, for the moment, that what you see is a reasoned instantiation of the bare skeleton of how dynamic semiotics might look. Remember, “dynamic” means everything within the frames of each model in the example above is “living”, in motion, flowing, changing, reacting, interacting, morphing within each and every cell and subcell of the model. Please deploy your imagination for now.
We’ll use just one of the systemic models above to introduce a few demonstrations of the capacity of visual dynamic semiotics to transcend the bias and impotence of your language to convey meaningful systemics.
The circular model in the front row far left is capable of representing any single living entity, or a composite group of similar living entities, across time. It presumes that at the highest level, one of the perspectives for understanding life forms is to experience them through three synchronous (not mutually exclusive – but collectively interactive) lenses – conscious, subconscious and corporal. This ontological semiotic form profoundly changes how your language perceives human beings or any organism with a central nervous system. There is no such thing as a discrete anything, especially a human being. Systemically, you are an entity composed of billions upon billions of moving and interacting piece parts, each organizable into a cascade of small ontological groupings that can characterize a system or subsystem at higher and higher levels of consideration. We focus strictly on meaning. We focus on what we need to know, what we want to know, what we want you to know, on our objectives, on their objectives, on what we know we do not know and on the entire systemic context within and without, including how our measurement and interactions affect you or the subject.
This is a simplified fixed 2D version of a dynamic 3D or 4D modelset that depicts the variables, ontological sets, states, interactions, exchanges, histories, capacities, functionalities, changes, inputs and outputs, causal factors, feedback mechanisms, constructs, biologies and focus of a human being or animal. What you see is a single slice of life, or a composite characterization of a life form played against time and context, and applied to your objectives – what do you want to know about this person at a specific layer of meaning?
A useful systemic way to understand ourselves is as a changing composition of matter and energy operating corporally, and also operating as subconscious and conscious processes – all of which are ever adaptive, accumulative, constantly interacting within and without.
From conception to dissolution, from left to right (figure 3), a life can be portrayed as a continuum of surface color characterizing the highest level understanding of the complexity inside. There are blues for the positive, neutrals for the neutral, reds for the negative and blacks for profound pain across the span of life.
Your language does not communicate complexity effectively. Since there is no common semiotic for the accumulation of systemic knowledge, proofs, constructs and applications, every form of education and discourse is less effective and this causes massive harms mostly associated with opportunity cost. Our simple examples in Primer #1 hopefully begin the conversation and the convergence of people and resources to address one of the most significant undertakings of modern civilization – to consciously, effortfully, systemically break out of the inherited box of semantics and static linear semiotics toward the unlimited potential of dynamic semiotics as a higher level of accumulated proof based thought, communication and action. Watch for our next primers and announcements. Join Us.
The Communicating Complexity Project – Primer #2: The Elephant in the Room is Language
You see, or maybe you don’t, the metaphoric elephant in the room, the critical gigantic secret no one seems to want to talk about, is the failure of our inherited language to hold up to scientific proof. Just as Copernicus, Galileo and others guided the world’s slow acceptance of the fact that the earth was not the center of the universe, we now assert that the semiotic forms we use for day to day communication are not the center of our cognitive universe. We now know that at the core of our tiny solar system is a dynamo we call the sun. Similarly, we now know, or should know, that the core for understanding our universe is not the words and numbers and charts that orbit our worlds of knowledge, but the vast potential energy fireball of dynamic systemic semiotics.
Our languages have been atrophying for centuries – incapable of flexing their systemic muscles, expanding their capacities, imagining the new modalities of cognition and perception necessary to keep up with our ever increasing understanding of complexity. What we call language has been a wonderful semiotic invention, enabling the organization, storage, retrieval and communication of individually originated, unitary, linear, myopic and static content. It has been all we know, how we comprehend, how we organize and largely why we are failing to reach our potential.
The world is dynamic. Life is dynamic. Our brain and body are dynamic. Our conscious, subconscious and corporal mechanisms are dynamic. Everything complex and important is dynamic. Answers are dynamic. Knowledge is multi-dimensional and highly dynamic. Yet we view everything as if it were an elephant. We freeze it at a moment in time, we reference it as a word or single external image, we imagine it as its outer shell because the word “systems” conjurs up minimal dynamic cognition. We retain through our language only a narrow surface layer of understanding – a thin film surrounding a bustling dynamo of never-ending motion and change.
We retain meaning best when we experience the elephant directly, without mediation, with visceral sensory awareness and the uniqueness that places it among signal, not noise. But most of us never experience the elephant so richly and intimately. Even a wonderful movie documentary about elephants has us leaving the theater with a relatively tiny number of significant memories that cannot possibly establish a deep systemic understanding of an elephant or change how we prioritize our actions to save them from destruction. We most often see the elephant as an animal among animals. With the checkbox label of animal, you cannot access the cumulative experience and understanding of thousands of people who have had the opportunity to more fully experience our one-ness with the elephant in the light of day.
We have been rooted to the earth and we see everything from the solidity of earth formed things. There are people and plants and buildings and smartphones (and elephants). We experience them as things, we slot them into our mind as things and we have inherited solid unchanging words to communicate all earth formed things. There is no such thing as Wall Street. It is not a thing. There is no such thing as the health system. There is no such thing. There is no such thing as happiness or sadness. They are complex constructs that would radically alter our understanding if there were no simplistic and inaccurate checkbox words for them. There is no such thing as THE true nature of a specific human being. That being is a compilation of hereditary programming, bionics, life experience programming and self-programming – ever adaptable and ever changing. There is no such thing as THE government. They are us.
Across a multitude of centuries, the earth-centric perspective was regarded as sacred truth. The earth was regarded as the center of the universe and the core for understanding all things. Along came observers and measurers and people rooted in the pursuit of replicable and validated science. They found that our semiotic language for the representation of dynamic objects moving in space across time supported the theory that the earth was not the center of the universe, and that the sun was really just a central dynamo for our solar system. It took a long time for the helio-centric model of our solar system to become universally recognized – becoming the sole paradigm for the world only 300 or so years ago. Historians, philosophers, scientists and educators regard the conversion from earth centric to helio centric as civilization’s profound tilt from inherited beliefs to discovered and validated understanding.
The Communicating Complexity Project introduces to all the idea that you still remain addicted to an inherited earth centric understanding about how everything in the universe works. We believe that modern discovery and science prove beyond a shadow of doubt that in order for everyone to fully appreciate the reality of the universe, from galaxies to families, from economies to shopping lists, we will have to effortfully set aside the solidity of common language and the perception of all things earth as things, and instead move toward universally adopting a Dynamic view of everything that appreciates the fact that everything is in motion, everything has programming, everything is constantly interacting, exchanging, acting and changing. Everything is “alive”, electric, energized, layered, multivariate, traveling in space, constructed at their core by forces we do not yet understand, powered by energies we do not yet understand, adapting in ways we do not yet understand. And we the people are babies relative to time on earth – and relative to our maturation toward our potential perhaps we are adolescents of the universe – just beginning to grapple with Dynamic Semiotics, the representation of everything as systems.
We will have to build a new model of language and thought that, while not making the existing model obsolete, renders it secondary to systemic understanding.
The legendary cognitive scientist Marvin Minsky, in collaboration with Seymour Papert, asserted his belief that humans are actually machines of a kind whose brains are made up of many semiautonomous but unintelligent “agents.” And different tasks, they said, “require fundamentally different mechanisms.”
When you hear the word “machine”, your mind conjurs gears and circuit boards, controls and moving parts. When you hear the word “system”, where does your mind go? What do you grab on to? If humans are machines, forms of life are then machines, molecules and proteins are machines, energies are machines, the earth is a machine and the universe is a vast machine. Your current processing and communicating device is a machine, the corporations who deliver your device’s products and services are machines, and all forms of organizational structure and activity are machines. Semantically, linguistically, the use of the word “machine” conjurs tangible conscious and subconscious images and configurations that probably still retain some classic elements of yore (pre-computing) such as moving gears, manufactured parts, mechanics, power and work performed.
For Primer #2 of The Communicating Complexity Project, lets begin with the hypothesis that everything considered a “machine” in your language can also, analogously, be referred to as a “system”. Machines can be composed of many sub- machines and systems can be composed of many sub-systems.
The word “system”, the lonely word burdened to represent the entirety of everything composed of matter and energy, motion and human endeavor, conjurs no such image as the moving gears from the movie Metropolis or the massive fuel processing plants, with pipes and steam and nightlit surrealities we see from the highway. When you hear about most human systems (economies, employment, health care etc.), you will most likely have to invent some mental maps and images of the many variables and interactions, if you can, and will have to instantly attempt to correlate and sketch the relationships and actions among the variables into your conscious and subconscious without much assistance from preexisting knowledge or language. When you experience an actual representational fixed or animated image of a machine or system, your mind can forge a memory palace capable of recall and interactive context. Without an actual image, you are forced to either ignore all the dimensions of the machine or system and grab for a default language handle, or you and everyone else like you can imagine key words or framed images depicting the complex relationships of your subject.
We think systemic teaching and learning would work better if you all could see the same patterns and mappings, ones designed to help you forge strong neural buds (dendric spines) and connective networks (spatial linked multi-channel memory palaces), capable of taking root, deep root in the conscious and subconscious, signifying for memory recall the full systemic semiosis you deserve to clearly understand, retain and apply both subconsciosly as well as consciously. Dynamic Semiotics matches the process our brain uses to receive, organize, store, process and retrieve knowledge.
Our mind is a machine linked inextricably to the rest of our body-machine, our biomes are nano-machines within our body-machine, genetic programming, experiential programming and partial self re-programming define the actions of all these machines, autopoietically, adaptively, generatively. Our mind maps new knowledge and experience into new dendric spines (it grows new nano-machines at particular fixed places in the brain that represent the new variable and its relationships to other variables), connected robustly to all of the other related spines and networks throughout the brain and body machine. The physicality of this machine mapping places stored “data” “ontologies” and “interlaced synthesis” into a neural geography that can be visualized through enhanced color enhanced CAT scanning.
Our Invention: Like Google Maps, only better, we collectively, wiki-like, populate dynamic semiotic model-sets of everything into fixed mnemonic geographically oriented ontological models populated with “living” visual and auditory patterns that signify any of the small number of possible meanings that correspond to the subject and satisfy the objectives of the user.
Here is a short list of how the construct of meaning can be deconstructed down to its essential high level variables:
Good v Bad, Positive v Negative, Strong v Weak, Large v Small In Play/Correlated v Irrelevant, Active v Passive, Lit v Dark, Signal v Noise Energies, Momentum, Changes, Directionality, Perturbation, Trajectory, Intensity, Force, Cause/Effect, Sequence, Frequency, Triggers, Amplifiers, Modifiers, Transducers, Exchanges, Transformations, Controllers, Catalysts, Controls, Interactions, Sustainability, Prerequisites, Algorithmic Rules, Behaviors etc.
Perspectives Degrees of Separation, Nano v Macro Matter:Energy Time:Space:Proximity:Motion:Sequence:Frequency Nurture/Equality/Truth/Systems Proofs, Sources, Media Documentation, Unknown States
Ontologies Variables, Variables Within Variables, Checklists, Agents, Mapped/Modeled Worlds ALL ORGANIZED IN SMALL MNEMONIC SETS
The Semiotic Model is the Media, is the Knowledge, is the Communication, is the Meaning, is the Data.
So, when we talk to you about a system, any system, other than a system of gears such as those familiar ones on a bicycle, the semiotic action, the representation, does not light up your brain, excite your intellect, invoke vivid images or movies or experiences. Instead, when you hear about climactic systems, auto-immune systems, economic systems or employment systems, your brain has little to grab on to, little to burn into your systemic memory, little fuel to form a sustainable and vigorously detailed memory network for future reference.
Think about how you can best understand how a machine (a system) with many gears and moving parts works. Maybe it is a laser copy machine. Without looking inside, you would only know the input and the output, the sounds and sensory smells, and the controls. For most of us, that is about all we understand about what is inside a copy machine. To comprehensively, systemically, understand your copy machine, you would want to see it in action inside and out, sketch the parts, study and track their functions, actions and interactions, picture the continuum from the tiniest pieces to the macro dynamics, map groupings of parts into their higher order components, identify the critical elements that distinguish it from other machines, and become aware of what can go wrong and how to fix it or if that fails, how to construct an alternative.
Machines are systems within systems within systems. To fully understand a machine, you need to understand the systems and the contexts and environments surrounding the machine – where the parts come from, how they are assembled, how it is powered, wear and tear, costs, sources of labor and expertise, the people and organizations who manufacture it, its impact on linked systems such as people and the environment, and much more....
Part of the reason for the endemic failure of people to understand a relatively straightforward human subsystem is that there is absolutely no anchoring semiotic, no ubiquitous images, no simple aesthetically memorable foundational picture that clearly introduces the variables, the relationships among the variables, the cause and effect, the core systemic constructs etc.
Now, lets focus on why this should be important to you and why it is most likely not on your top list, or the top list of your government’s and licensed corporations’ conscious or subconscious priorities.
The human body is a programmed mechanism operating in an ecology of micro biologies, micro energies, micro molecules and macro forces. When something, anything, is introduced into this system that is new to the programming, new to the mechanisms of interaction and exchange and generative futures, it can disrupt the sensitive microsystems, causing limited or cascading disruptions to an otherwise well functioning being. So simply put:
Introducing new variables into the otherwise stable programming of a body can cause disruption. We call these disruptions disease, harm and death....
It is our belief that limiting the introduction of the thousands of various disruptors into, onto and around our bodies is good practice. We call this – conscious choice. Prevention. We humans are just at the beginning of our journey. We are adolescents, teenagers, still developing, ever changing, driven by root genetics, peer Relationships & parental SWAY. We barely understand the forces within us, we sidestep the enormous effort it takes to understand the complexities around us, our subconscious and bodies overwhelm our consciousness, and we are malnourished – fed an inherited diet of institutional and digital media learning that is not nurturing, does not embrace equality, neglects the pursuit of truth through systemics, and leaves most without the pure drive for learning, exploration, creation, problem solving, beneficent service and humanism. —————————————————————————————————- Here is a walk through of how a detailed assessment of one choice of aspirin works for use as an inflammation and pain reducer for ADULTS. OUR PRIOR PROOF PROCESSES SUGGESTS INGESTING THE LEAST AMOUNT OF MATTER FOREIGN TO THE BODY. CVS’S VERSION OF ASPIRIN WITH JUST THE ACTIVE INGREDIENT IN ASPIRIN AND STARCH IS SAFEST FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. THE WALGREEN’S VERSION BELOW IS CLEARLY UNNECESSARILY PACKED WITH FOREIGN MATTER, MUCH OF WHICH MAY CAUSE HARM TO THE BODY. ALL CHILDREN and ALL TEENAGERS should NOT take aspirin during symptoms of upper respiratory infection due to rare but serious potential complications called Reyes Syndrome.
Simple Proof Process for Walgreens Aspirin – Containing 17 ingredients, many unnecessary and harmful, rather than CVS’s aspirin with just 2 ingredients, neither of which pose unknown harm. Here is a description of the proof process model we used above. First, there are 5 colors: 2 negatives, bright red — and light red/pink -, neutral/uncertain grey, and 2 positives light blue + and bright blue ++. White indicates missing or no information. Each colored pixel in our flat proof process model represents the point of a detailed proof process pyramid that exists perpendicular and beneath the plane of the model, culminating at the point with the summary color pixel that you see in the model. When you see any color, it means there is a point of knowledge that we report as part of the systemic collection of all available knowledge. Every bright red pixel indicates validated evidence that the variable is highly likely to cause significant harm. A light blue pixel indicates validated evidence that the variable initiates positive exchanges in the body that outweigh evidence of harm. If there is conflicting data, you will see multiple color pixels representing the tip of each derived proof process point of information.
Every proof process array is constructed from raw first principles empirical, experiential, observational, scientific evidence at the base, moving toward processing and synthesis and systemic constructions in the middle and finally toward consilience and conclusions near the peak. Every Proof Process array has beneath it a pixel by pixel documentation and detail Proof Process array and every Proof Process array has a corresponding validation pixel model that portrays all pixels according to their replicated scientific validation (using a green + and yellow – validation color scheme), their validation from people with knowledge to contribute on the topic, and the curated representation of all necessary points of derivation according to whether there is or is not ample evidence to support an understanding. Proof Processes can also be constructed according to viewpoints and perspectives, according to hypothesis, and according to all forms of alternative Proof Processes.
The triangles are constructs that represent from a curated viewpoint all of the necessary points of validation to support knowledge at a level of detail in the model. So, for a specific ingredient such as propylene glycol, we would want to know such things as longitudinal studies isolating this particular chemical in terms of biological interactions and chemical interactions, we would want to know experiential reports of impacts, we would want to follow the chemical throughout the body with many many systemic measures, we would want to know the necessity of the chemical as an ingredient, we would want to know of simulations and similar compositions and their health results, we would want to know if the ingredient contains trace elements of other ingredients, we would want to know how the ingredient affects the environment that then affects humans, we would want to know if the ingredient is safe to ingest, breath in, absorb etc., at what amounts, we would want to know if the chemical breaks down and changes into other compositions over time or through interaction, we would want to know if the human body has ever had the opportunity to experience the chemical to the degree it has programming to safely interact with it, we would want to know if it is safe for fetuses or people with certain predispositions, etc., etc., etc. repeated for every product humans interact with. Wow. A lot of data points, shaped into systemic knowledge, and ultimately, a conclusion. Our curators lean toward identifying the potential for harm when any untested composition comes in contact with the human body, especially when the body has never experienced the composition before, especially when the base understandings of the composition suggest likely imbalances between the body’s nano to macro programming and the effects of any and all subcomponents of the composition. So, the first triangles closest to the base represent first order, first level, data collection and evaluation. Each pixel color represents contributing points of information as judged by curators with a transparent documentation sub Proof Process showing the derivation.
The second group of connected triangles represents ontologically grouped variables from the first set of triangles, and attempts to identify evidence that the components of that grouping do or do not cause harm, do or do not benefit the body. This is a synthesis phase, attempting to move beyond individual components into ontological constructs that group the variables according to certain features that appear to drive the analysis of good and bad. The large triangle at the peak of the model attempts to represent whether taking the specific Walgreens aspirin portrayed in the model is or is not the one a person with full knowledge would want to choose. You can compare this culminating Proof Process triangle with those of other aspirins to determine what pills are most likely to benefit you and most likely to harm you. If we portrayed the CVS aspirin with only starch and the active aspirin ingredient, there would be very little red in the final triangle, with the red linked to damage to children and to the digestive system of some people. Remember, these models are dynamic and interactive – click on any pixel and you could view the complete derivation proof process beneath – with all research and citations. We try to group like colored pixels to allow the user to instantly process the degree of red and blue and make an instant judgement. Mixing all the colors spatially is less useful. We have not labelled all the categories of the pixels.
Also, we have other models in our 9 model language that must also be used to assess aspirin as to alternatives, environmental and ethical considerations, human rights considerations, corporate source considerations, energy and waste and pollution costs, risks and rewards, cost vs benefit etc. Our concept is to be precise on every pixel, and discover the systemic understandings by looking at the patterns of known information and the gaps and fallacies of current knowledge. Our version of the truth is not simple. Some of the constructs driving decisions however become clear. We need to avoid unnecessary manufactured ingredients, untested ingredients foreign to the body, untested natural ingredients, and need to become the scientists for our own specific body mechanisms since we are not all the same. Stress can change the way your body processes anything. Biome changes can affect the way your body processes anything.
This pixel based triangle oriented Proof Process uses a flat map but each pixel in the map is actually the tip of a perpendicular proof pyramid underneath. This is one among many forms of Dynamic Semiotics. Other forms use flowing patterns of colored lines within and among unique ontological models, use sound as a secondary or sometimes primary communicator of state and change, use touch or voice to input and arrange the screen orientations of various models and level views, automatically feed data into representational models, use video game like worlds to present computer aided life, use omnipresent multi-chamber agents to interact and exchange with others etc. —————————– In summary, all knowledge can be packaged in a systemic comprehensive form that enables users to quickly process the data for synthesis and meaning and accuracy. The Proof Process is the beginning of that journey, along with our other complementary models. We all need to become the scientists, observers and contributors to the body of knowledge, we all can with the aid of the internet collectively, accumulatively and summatively exchange and engage with each other – emphasizing valuing, trust and systemic means. And we all need to share and benefit freely and transparently from a mediated commons scaffolding and dynamic semiotic portal that complements our current language and enhances our current lives. The Communicating Complexity Project recognizes that getting our minds and momentums to embrace systemics is a difficult endeavor. Partly because our inherited language and learning have never given us a true and comprehensive systemic lens.
Partly because our brains are not yet wired for language based systemics. Partly because the primacy and intimacy of our private lives dominates our consciousness and subconsciousness, and systemics – new and difficult – has not yet become omnipresent, resonant, immersive, enabling, rewarding, exciting. What can make dynamic semiotics and the Communicating Complexity Project prolific in every sense is that we recognize the need to close the degrees of separation between where we are and where our potential lies. To do that, we deconstruct and then systemically reconstruct the critical elements of a prolific digitally aided version of life. The essence of dynamic semiotics is that it must feel like us, engage our highest objectives, deliver the most coherent and clear meaning, and interact with us as if it were a part of our extended family. The Communicating Complexity Project can advance the art and science of human communication through the invention of dynamic accumulative patterns and forms that signify processes – not things. CCP can stimulate and inform through gaming like experiences that are immersively “real”. CCP can provoke and motivate through feedback loops of challenging experiences with life-like rewards and recognition.
----------------------------------------------------- The Communicating Complexity Project – Primer #3 THE REVOLUTION IN ENTERPRISE AND SOCIETAL FRAMEWORKS
These deeply ingrained problems limit the potential of the human race: - Our conscious existence lacks simple yet universally rooted objectives and principles. - Our language for addressing complexity and systems is grossly inadequate. - Our financial systems do not provide adequate mechanisms and incentives for intelligently directed collaborative efforts or comprehensive sustainable models of accounting and reward. - Our processes for collecting, processing and distributing high value knowledge are fractionated and misleading. - Our understanding of ourselves, our institutions and the dynamics of our world are inconsistent with what we need, and incompatible with what a diverse group of minds, movers and makers have learned through rigorous pursuit. - Our largest web, production and services business have not found a way to generate and distribute wealth that includes systemic global beneficent objectives in their genetics and throughout their enterprise scaffolding. No major brand has emerged that excites the imagination and universally appeals to those seeking to engage with an organization dedicated to beneficent cooperative enterprise. - Trillions of Dollars of investments in advertising, self-fulfilling paper financial instruments including off shore havens for non-producing wealth, and short-term unproductive fixes carry massive opportunity costs when far better alternatives exist. - Our life-critical systems, virtually every complex global problem we face, have deteriorated and need urgent overhaul. - Our delicate fabric of civilization is tearing more deeply, leading us further from collaboration and peaceful coexistence, enlarging the rifts between rich and poor, depleting the earth of its fragile vitalization and separating belief systems into widening systemically perverted extremes.
WayFinder believes that four Objectives, together, compose the best opportunity to create sustainable large-scale beneficence through a revolutionary new socio-economic network. OBJECTIVE 1 To Introduce a Moral Compass guided by Nurture, Equality, Truth and Systems (NETS) ·We Establish a Dynamic Set Of Unifying Principles, Objectives and Accountings that Resonate with Billions of People ·Everything WayFinder believes, everything we do, and everything we value, begins with a NETS lens. OBJECTIVE 2 To Establish a Wayfinding Collective Intelligence that Synthesizes High Value Meaning into Action and Enterprise ·We Collaborate Via Robust Theaters of Learning, Consultancy, Decision Making and Map Making · ·We Create a Dynamic Knowledge Extraction and Dissemination Network Using Mobile Technology ·We Become the Destination for High Value Knowledge ·We Establish THE COMMUNICATING COMPLEXITY PROJECT and a Proof Process Institute Offering Systemic Research, Analysis & Mediation ·We Develop a Power-Packed Global Network of Public and Private Leaders and Decision-Makers Who Utilize WayFinder Resources
OBJECTIVE 3 To Operate a CENTRO – A Massive Transparent Systemic Exchange Network for Beneficent Wealth Generation ·We introduce a new model for prolific large scale distributed philanthropy ·We launch a self replicating cooperative system of incentives, rewards and recognition that begin with 1,000 NETS oriented change agents, who attract over 50 million members, who also benefit from a cooperative system of shared rewards ·We construct a wealth generating branded cooperative marketplace offering a proprietary curated scaffolding of resources, products, toolkits and services to be disseminated for the benefit of all ·We produce a Value Banking System called 360 that is a breakthrough approach to human enterprise - using intelligent visual software to manage collaborative effectiveness and distribute currency, resources, recognition and reward fairly across the participating commons ·We generate traditional profits and various forms of wealth by licensing our intellectual property, converting advertising dollars into loyalty dollars, providing a wide range of high quality high value B2B services, recovering fees from operating a large network of distributed enterprises, and from returns on investments. ·We become the destination website for high value knowledge and high value enterprise, deploying the power of mobile connectivity and new multimedia technology to entertain, educate, deploy and employ millions of people throughout the world
OBJECTIVE 4 To Invent and Disseminate Dynamic Systemic Semiotics: A Language and Computer Interface for Complexity Mapping & Proof Processes ·We Grow Systemics and Collaborative Advancement Networks ·We Create a Visual Worldscape Using a First of its Kind Semiotic Compiler ·We Deploy Participative Systems for Complex Knowledge Organization and Visualization ·We Disrupt the World of Browsing with a Navigable Search Mechanism that Instantly Identifies and Delivers User Objectives Systemically ·We Invite People into a Delightful Gaming-Like Web Portal to Continuously Experience the World & Take on the Challenges of Beneficent Purpose ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We intend to build a prolific, wealth generating philanthropic enterprise by integrating the essential engines driving human collaboration into a Centro – a dominant high traffic web destination. We are going to need to attract millions of dedicated cooperative members, and hundreds of millions of dedicated users, who begin and end their day accessing the world through WayFinder. Here is the story of who these users are, and why they will turn away from Facebook, Google and Wikipedia, Linked In and Powerball, and turn to WayFinder: WayFinder Engineers Mass Engagement Through 6 Unique Mechanisms Branding The New York Times and a handful of international foundations are the only globally recognized brands that hold fast to a market identity characterized by honesty, high quality, fairness and beneficence. The companies that control access to the internet (Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, AT&T, Comcast, Time Warner, Deutch Telecom etc.) are recognized by young people to be more interested in their profits and in dominating their markets than being beneficent partners for a sustainable and improving world. There is a brand vacuum for goodness that is a major opportunity for philanthropic enterprise. We believe a new organization built from the ground up that has Trust, Quality and Integrity as its genetics and Nurture, Equality, Truth and Systems as its objectives will be attractive to a majority of the people in the world – those who hunger, figuratively and literally, for a compassionate, honest, highly effective organization devoted to making everyone’s lives better.
Generative Value Banking No enterprise has addressed the opportunity to reinvent how human beings organize themselves, manage the planning and implementation of projects, find each other for collaborative relationships and perhaps most importantly - trust and reward each other. Millions of people throughout the world would jump at the chance to engage with a supportive internet delivered lattice that empowered and enabled them to find each other, value each other, determine wants, needs and skills, structure collaborative projects, establish new market opportunities, use failsafe mechanisms to minimize friction and maximize potential. The world seems cold and distant to many who would like to come in from the cold and do something they believe is worthwhile and which offers them the daily opportunity to live their lives to their potential. When it comes to reward, there is no simple micro-cost banking system that can manage the complete integrated registry of possible forms of reward, transferable in an instant to anyone in the world. Reward can take the form of: Currency, Alternative Currency, Financial Instruments, Shares of Equity, Trade, Hours, Value Against Objectives, Profit Sharing, Asset Sharing, Futures Sharing, Recognition & Legacy Identification, Intellectual Property, Donations, Investments, Bidding, Supportive Commitments, Documented Stories and Attributions, In Kind Responses, Commons Inputs, Prizes, Added Authority & Responsibility etc. WayFinder has a blueprint for a comprehensive organic system of inclusive valuing that is called 360. The core constructs of the 360 Generative Value Bank are its dynamic visual models that seamlessly process inputs and details from all involved persons and perspectives into an easy to understand personalized value map. Part of the magic of 360 is that it does not feel like a burden, does not require painful administrative time and energy, is not a dehumanized machine like calculation, and looks and feels like a fresh painting - describing a human being, tracking progress against an objective, depicting hundreds of people at a snapshot of status, producing instant transfers of value into accounts, with running transparency and documentation at every step. We anticipate using a Square like system to exchange not only currency but all forms of value. We expect everyone participating in the valuing system to establish a private account, and we expect to go to great lengths to protect the integrity and privacy of the system. One of the immediate benefits of 360 is that we can populate anyone’s account with value within days of startup, and any smart mobile device can engage with 360. Once WayFinder starts its engines, people with accounts in 360 can distribute and receive value within WayFinder, with moderately restricted options for using value contained in their accounts outside of WayFinder. The Directors and Members of the Cooperative will be the decision-makers about how much the parallel economy that is WayFinder intersects with the inherited economies. We believe the Cooperative generates much greater systemic opportunity by retaining elements of a closed system, but never so closed that it restricts the freedom and potential of its members to achieve a happy and sustainable life. If, for example, one million WayFinder members each has $1,000 of currency in their WayFinder accounts, the Cooperative would have one billion dollars of currency value to circulate within its enterprises and across its philanthropic sharing. Each individual member controls how their currency is applied. This is a tiny example of the power of mass action using the WayFinder model. 360 Valuing also means that everyone receives a just and equitable, systemic and validated assessment when it comes to employment, capability, investment worthiness, reward and recognition. The real world offers a visibly corrupt version of evaluating human beings. Millions of people would recognize and follow a valuing system notable for its clarity, fairness, effectiveness and transparency. An Elegant Cooperative Human Investment & Alternative Banking System that Ignites Human Ventures 360 Value Banking
Our 360 degree valuing exchange will become the preeminent system for human interaction. It holistically presents the profiles of people – including trustworthy validations of skills and desires, personality, drive and resilience. WayFinder grows as people involve others in their 360 valuations. Building high value trusting relationships is the key to successful enterprises, governments and marketplaces. Through the CENTRO, we connect people and resources together via a video game like world, where people can navigate instantly toward their objectives: finding an employee or skill-set, an investor, a partner, a supplier, a customer, a friend, a mentor or a resource. We have designed a completely revolutionary and completely disruptive software interface that generates interactive maps that connect people and organizations with their objectives. Our just and equitable value banking system is a scalable registry and visual database based upon a proprietary banking application and an extended family of value currencies that circumvent credit cards, bank fees, paypal, checks and cash and empower people and organizations to transfer and receive real forms of value instantaneously and generously using our 360 validation and valuing system. Once people connect, there is work to be done. The form of work can be traditional, or it can consist of alternative forms of work that can include answering questions and problem solving, depending totally upon the 360 agreement among the parties. An entire 360 Visual system is used that enables all participants to optimize their time, knowledge and resources toward shared objectives. 360 also introduces the idea of integrated and personalized communications and feedback. 360 prompts its users to provide meaningful recognition, communications, feedback, support and education to others as need and opportunity arise. The power of a personal note of support, of acknowledgement of effort, of recognition for an achievement is beyond numerical value. Wealth Sharing: WayFinder will operate as a for-profit Cooperative in service to the public good. We will generate extensive wealth by focusing on business to business wealth extraction - sharing as much as we sustainably can, as effectively as we can, with the commons. We have spectrums of group valuing that include our partners and investors, our benefactors, our employees and members, and everyone else in the world who can benefit from our projects. Our approach to sharing wealth will light up the imagination, appreciation and activation of most of the world. Those who freely invest time and energy building wealth for facebook and google would hugely prefer investing time and equity and energy into an enterprise that gives them the rights of ownership shares, of value based employment with rewards and recognitions, and of access to entire scaffolding designed to serve their high value needs and objectives. Everyone who uses WayFinder receives some tangible form of valuing. Everyone who contributes content to WayFinder receives some form of compensatory valuing. Everyone who advances the cause of WayFinder receives some form of valuing. Every writer, inventor, researcher, curator, creator, maker, mover, and thinker benefits from value sharing but also from a considerable effort to eternally recognize their contributions – Legacy. WayFinder expects to conduct at least two rounds of major funding. The first round, 10 Million Dollars, will provide early investors and benefactors with a generous holistic valuing that includes permanent legacy recognition for philanthropic value and above market currency returns. The expected second round of funding, at a scale in the Billions of dollars, will enable the supporters of the initial round of funding and the early adopters of WayFinder to extract generous but not exorbitant rewards, always with the expectation that the objectives of WayFinder continue to move onward and upward. Individuals and organization have mega scale incentives to become active in our Cooperative. First, unlike web-based companies such as Facebook and Google, the active cooperative members will receive a significant portion of the profits of the company. The profits occur when the web site scales and when the cells of the enterprise generate positive value. Every Cooperative member is incentivized to introduce WayFinder to others. People can become a part of their electronic community of origin. If people purchase within WayFinder, all related parties receive a share of the profit from the transaction. Once the web site scales, 1 million, 10 million, 100 million users, advertising revenue will profoundly grow. Only companies with products and services that are NETS certified can advertise in WayFinder. But another unique part of 360 is that companies and non-profits will be proactively selected and promoted by WayFinder regardless of their advertising. Once selected, WayFinder may ask the company to voluntarily pay a portion of what it would have had to pay in advertising and sales in order to reach the loyal customers that were given to them through WayFinder. The advertiser saves on marketing and sales and inventory costs. Further, through 360 mass action, WayFinder can select a particular product such as a Toyota Prius and negotiate an exclusive agreement with its members who will agree that their next purchase will be a Prius in return for compensation or a price reduction, shares in Toyota, a voice in Toyota decision-making and practices and saved advertising dollar direct payments. WayFinder can finance the car at below market rates, offer additional transportation services, and continue to build its trust model.
THE POWER OF MASS ACTION IS SET FREE BY DYNAMIC SEMIOTICS, AND BY ITS OMNIPRESENT ON SCREEN DYNAMIC SEMIOTICAPPLICATIONS. The offer for all participants is that if people share their time and energy and resources through the scaffolding of WayFinder and contribute to the construction of viable cells of activity within the scaffolding, they all become part of 360 degree, a visual process of comprehensive valuing that offers currency, notes, alternative currencies, sharing, trading, convertible debentures, revenue and profit sharing and futures options based upon their investment, effort, contribution, and exchange activity. Differentiator 1: Every generative contributor, every investor, every user and every organizational partner is rewarded with a mix of shared wealth, value and meaning. Differentiator 2: Every participant is rewarded by the success of WayFinder. Unlike Facebook, Google, Apple and Microsoft models, users benefit from the success of this meta-enterprise. They benefit from 360 use, as contributors, editors, consumers, creators, investors, connectors, advocates etc. Their time and value are rewarded. Money can be instantly transferred, purchases of goods and services can occur instantaneously, sharing and rewards and awards can occur instantly and securely by smartphone or computer. Everyone, in inherited world terms, becomes an owner, a shareholder, a beneficiary, an independent contractor, a service provider, a creator, and consumer, a producer, a retailer, a wholesaler, an inventor, an investor. Differentiator 3: A portion of the wealth generated by all of the stakeholders of WayFinder is kept within the closed loop cycle of WayFinder, allowing the currencies and credits to be used for internal purchases and investments but not allowing all of the value to be spent outside. This feature allows WayFinder to operate in parallel with the inherited world, to intersect with it, but strengthens the capital base and wealth accumulation of WayFinder and reinforces the objectives of all stakeholders to continue to aggressively pursue a generative, prosperous and sustainable portfolio of cooperative exchanges. These differentiators create a multiplier effect on cooperative enterprise, accurately defining the brand as a compassionate, sharing, wealth generating brand. Part of WayFinder’s sharing of wealth occurs through employment. We intend to have a traditional base of employees, but also intend to distribute alternative forms of flexible employment to tens of thousands of people throughout the world. People who contribute voluntarily or by specific request to the value of WayFinder will receive various forms of employment compensation. All forms of compensation will occur through instant transfers across private accounts within the WayFinder 360 Banking System.
We plan to grow and prosper according to our principles, and when we earn currency, build equity, generate profits and create and invent resources that have tangible value, we will share them with our participants. We will also build a continuous history of our efforts, an ongoing recognition LegacY, that cites and honors everyone and every deed.
Stimulating Game-Like Experiences & Relationships: Our difficulty introducing WayFinder to benefactors and philanthropists, investors and partners is that we are proposing to build a complex system in part to help solve everyone’s difficulty, including ours, when addressing numerous simultaneous intertwined variables that function as a system. No matter where we start, without the aid of a dynamic visual map, we are forced to try to paint the entire systemic picture linearly, one small piece at a time, without the benefit of a continuous overview. Part of the mission of WayFinder is to introduce new tools and techniques that overcome the major disability of a non-systemic language. This achievement alone will be revolutionary, breaking learning barriers across languages and literacy and linearity. The complex is best processed by human beings through a combination of language, visualization and sound. We expect to develop inspiring dynamic interfaces and portals that encourage and reward viscerally and artistically, and excel at the art and science of delivering on people objectives. Users interact with an intuitively organized visual habitat that instantly carries to the surface and dynamically presents the meaningful knowledge that satisfies the objectives of the user. This CENTRO becomes a navigable world of living cells and forms that match users with their objectives. Our patented Dynamic Semiotic Browser navigates throughout the world of WayFinder, offering instant and satisfyingly right-on connectivity to relationships, ventures, investments, partners, producers, creators, consumers, service providers and above all, high value knowledge resources. The Browser. Traditional text based browsing becomes a rich media navigation experience, with users entering a CENTRO “gaming world” semiotic browser driven by user objectives. Our users enter a visual world that brings to the surface the knowledge, meaning and systemic relationships that best satisfy user objectives. Our CENTRO functions as a town square, the place where people can find each other, connect, educate, create, share and exchange. The CENTRO feels like the home screen of an immersive interactive organic video game. The CENTRO is a multimedia portal designed to function as a mass action social network for enterprise generation – supporting the spectrum of local to transnational activity. Language. We introduce Dynamic Systemic Semiotics, a universal intuitive dynamic visual language that will evolve along side traditional languages to handle variables and relationships and systems and complexity. Language barriers and income barriers and literacy barriers to learning fade away. Every computer, publication and communication on earth will begin to use this language. The language consists of ontological models and sub models. Every model consists of a fixed arrangement of cells and sub-cells that represent the variables of the model at a particular perspective or level. Each cell comes alive with a language of color, pattern, motion and sound that conveys the meaning within the cell or among the cells. If a variable is in play and highly active, that meaning can be conveyed instantly and intuitively via pattern. Beneath the pattern levels users can access traditional links to sources, documentation, and the proof processes used to reach conclusions. Dynamic Systemic Semiotics (DSS) is our patented system of software that processes and converts raw data and systemic knowledge into a visual browser based interactive world, similar in form to a video game world. DSS organizes the data and knowledge into dynamic visual models and maps that offer a universality of applications. The first view of knowledge via DSS is at the highest levels of meaning – organized in proprietary models that become the universal language for systemic communications – helping anyone better understand the relationships and variables that make up anything complex. DSS breaks the barriers of language, by introducing visual representations of knowledge that can be intuitively understood. DSS not only supports a global knowledge portal, it also becomes the framework for conferences, educators, publishers, business leaders and consumers to use for context and meaning at the highest levels, and for web based search, documentation and drill down detail at the lower levels. A universal visual language removes the constraints of global languages and illiteracy and the access barriers to education and computer resources. We will introduce a suite of models that include representations of human beings, of Nurture, Equality, Truth & Systems, of proof processes and science. Any topic, any complexity, any information, can be created in a visual model form as reference. The models can be accessed, edited, modified and updated in real time by anyone. If there is a discussion about global warming, the large scale systemic models of global warming can be instantly retrieved and referenced, with all accompanying documentation tied to the models and also accessible. Today, there is not place on earth where comprehensive dynamic systemic models of high value subjects can be found in one place. Having a portfolio of highly validated, well-documented dynamic models for reference is transformational. The models serve as checklists of variables, identify the exchanges and relationships among variables, link to specific data and sources, and provide alternative data-paths, and proof processes and conclusions. We will no longer have to begin strategic planning and content discussions without access the best available knowledge, presented in the best available format. When given a choice between traditional forms of browsing and a graphic web interface, people overwhelmingly prefer a rich active gaming like portal that they can self navigate rather than linear text based search. Our patented system of semiotic computer interaction will replace the current forms of interface within 10 years of introduction. WayFinder’s approach also stimulates and excites simply by painting an exquisite world that people can explore. Just like multiplayer gaming, people using the WayFinder CENTRO can team and communicate together, working on projects and challenges using a dynamic form of entertainment that has been converted by WayFinder into a hard working highly effective new way to engage with people and computers and knowledge. If there were a place on the internet that housed the most accurate, useful, clearly presented synthesis of what you need to know, people would come. Lots of people. And if the value of that knowledge was high relative to the confluence of day to day detail and trivia, people would instantly choose to start their search at that special place. And if there were places on earth where wise and innovative and compassionate people gathered to address the challenges set before them, this place of minds, movers and makers would attract the seekers. The way the world of knowledge is constructed today, no one seems responsible for the collection and dissemination of what we know. Yes, universities and research groups and book authors and consultancies and professional organizations work on the creation and processing of knowledge. But there is no organization that diligently performs the role of a collective intelligence, summarizing for all the most systemically accurate high level understanding of everything important. WayFinder intends to become the extractors, curators, synthesizers and displayers of high value knowledge. We intend to become the primary resource CENTRO, the major content originators and value added distributors, of complex knowledge made actionable. Governments, Corporations, Parents, Consumers, Children and Those in Need will turn to WayFinder to understand Nurture, Equality and Truth under a Systemic Umbrella. WayFinder introduces a robust, scalable, collaborative system for knowledge creation that organically extracts various forms of data, evidence and proof from the internet and from conferees, educational institutions, corporations, non-profits, researchers and authors and the commons through an omnipresent web application that requests, feeds and validates content into systemic ontological maps housed dynamically in a gaming portal called WayFinder. The knowledge system developed by WayFinder benefits a wide spectrum of stakeholders, knowledge originators and knowledge users and ultimately feeds the people of the world with better knowledge that can be put to good works. By creating a meta-network for knowledge, a robust marketplace develops that can track and reward originating sources of high value or high use knowledge, reward WayFinder for its value added role as the institutional collector, processor, packager, licensor and distributor of the content, reward the WayFinder portal for its mass audience, reward the licensors of content with a continuous fresh high value multimedia supply, and reward all end users with superior, accurate, meaningful and entertaining systemic content that can be tailored to best meet their needs. WayFinder revolutionizes the domain of knowledge by creating a new marketplace that adds value to fresh information and knowledge by making it visually come alive in context, and then by capitalizing high value knowledge through the introduction of a trusted brand that distributes the content through commercial and philanthropic channels with a financial win-win structure that rewards all parties in proportion to the value they generate. The Communicating Complexity Project will be broadcast in various forms through television and documentaries and print/electronic media, and organize resources on demand for users. Beyond supplying high valuable knowledge, a major attractor for WayFinder is its ability to introduce powerful mechanisms for beneficence throughout the world. Some of these mechanisms are:
1) Emphasis on disseminating Toolkits that enable and empower people to take action by making items, establishing markets, improving services, providing self help services and helping children develop and prosper. 2) Employment using the 360 Valuing System to spread resources to all ends of the earth for acts that benefit the emergence of NETS networks, NETS projects and random or organized acts of brilliance, creation, content creation and caring. 3) The organic supportive scaffolding of enterprises, philanthropic initiatives, resources, web frameworks, networks and individuals who can transcend piece part initiatives (or include those initiatives) into a stronger and more sustainable framework of enriching knowledge and action. 4) A deep systemic focus on the highest value opportunities and issues facing our people and our planet. We intend to prioritize a renaissance in health and wellbeing, how human beings support and value each other, how we can collaboratively apply housing and capital and resources and tools and skills and manufacturing space , how we can address addictions to energy and growth and the unsustainable depletion of the earth’s resources.
Mass Action Capitalization Our model for meta-enterprise involves genuinely immersive valuing and rewards for all participants. There is a direct benefit to everyone who chooses to use WayFinder. We will provide a rich texture of interaction that feels and navigates more like life and less like a cold computer. Users become part of the cooperative, its 360 valuing system, and will perceive this brand as a transparent, honest, caring and sharing organization. Forms of reward include currency, notes, debentures, products, services, employment, legacy recognition, portfolio validation and the fulfillment of user objectives – finding funding, a source for a product, a partner, a person who can help etc. WayFinder intends to use scale as a profound new impetus for participation. Our genetic core is to offer the prospect of shifting the balance of power in the world from profit to philanthropic entropy. Mass Action Capitalization is when the WayFinder Cooperative enlists the voluntary participation of its members and users, and their accumulated resources, to be applied toward a concentrated NETS driven objective. Imagine one million people assigning $1 to a specific project or investment or giving – directly from their 360 accounts – in an instant. Imagine every stakeholder receiving an ongoing communication stream with feedback loops that values the effort and the participation. Imagine 10 million participants deciding as a unified mass to choose certain corporations as their preferred vendors based upon a transparent NETS based 360 valuing. The 360 structure enables the 10 million consumers to directly acquire those goods and services based upon negotiated terms that include discounts, redeployment of advertising dollars into investments in NETS, custom features and added value. These transactions become part of a valuing database with feedback loops to ensure all stakeholders receive the quality and performance they expected. Imagine 50 million participants deciding to create new NETS based forms of insurance, investment, employment, shared services, self help kits, health networks and agricultural networks. Imagine 30 million participants deciding to apply NETS principles in unison to political choices, to stocks, to specific media, to international travel, to lifestyle choices, to new forms of sustainable housing and transportation. The commons has never had the opportunity to leverage their size and scale with a unifying set of universal principles, NETS, by county or across the globe, to compete with other forms of power and sway that have no philanthropic or systemic genes. Imagine 80 million people involved in immediate survey and experience sharing that can extract high value knowledge about disease, ecological change, economic trends and immediate opportunities. This becomes a knowledge channel, not about just statistics but more about synthesizing complexity on a mass scale into actionable meaningful cogent forms. The power and influence of mass action is an absolute attractor of more participants, because the system and its feedback loops provide tangible value and reward in return for compassionate and thoughtful united action. Millions of dedicated members produce bargaining power and buying power and the empowerment of the disenfranchised. There has never been a massive web based organization that built itself not on the backs of its constituents but on its embrace of them. Yes, we believe we can attract a very large active following, we believe we can turn the complex into beautiful and cogent working knowledge and we believe everything we do should be for Nurture and Equality and Truth. We also believe that operating a wildly successful philanthropic enterprise requires superior knowledge, structure, human process, non-human resources and strategic positioning among the founders and partners and directors and employees. What we are doing is profoundly intrepid and is by design robust, adaptive and generative to such a degree that it is difficult to imagine the threads and streams of initiative that will evolve from the core enterprise. Here is our plan of action, for a thriving and generative philanthropic for-profit cooperative web based enterprise, in outline form: WayFinder has been designed as a for-profit cooperative beneficent enterprise. Its objective is to establish a self-sustaining, inclusive, independent, NETS driven global scaffolding that enables the enterprise commons to construct robust mechanisms to better their lives and achieve the fullest potential for life on earth. WayFinder is like no other organization on earth. It is inventing an entirely new mechanism for people to value and collaborate and reward each other. It is inventing a robust new banking and investment system. It is inventing a new form of social network that combines the best features of multiplayer video games, mobile knowledge gathering, and meaningful personalized communications. It is inventing a new visual language to conquer the knowledge barrier posed by complexity. It is inventing a global collective intelligence network to offer rich transparent and diligent alternatives the many fragmented sources of high value knowledge. It is inventing a CENTRO, a humanized web meeting place for people to come when they need something, when they want to share something, when they want to build something of quality for the betterment of humankind. It is inventing a way to redistribute the immense wealth of the earth so that those resources work toward life’s potentials. WayFinder is inventing a new form of organization that has the scale and capacity and sway to influence the way the world works. It is inventing vertical and horizontal integration to the extent that its network scaffolding provides a fail safe and trustworthy connective tissue for people who believe in Nurture, Equality, Truth and Systems, or can benefit from it. We believe we can unlock massive economic value by solving the ineffectiveness of uni-dimensional models of enterprise creation, knowledge extraction and organizational frameworks. We plan to create a massive web exchange built upon a visual interface linked to a sophisticated, secure and trusted registry that manages all forms of non-traditional and traditional business, investment and value transfer. We propose to revolutionize the extraction of value from land, from insurance, from investment, from exceptional ideas/inventions/toolkits, from banking and from mass action. Our WayFinder Exchange will create an integrated peer-to-peer economic registry that enables, matches, engages, deploys and rewards the multitude of emerging forms of enterprise, commerce, organization, social networking, communication and education. WayFinder is a full scale self sufficient vertical socio-economic system, modeled after the scaffolding and programming of living systems, that offers million of people the connective tissue to work together, consume together and collaborate together by organizing essential resources and services together within a groundbreaking visibly accessible financial, commercial, educational and philanthropic CENTRO. We are inventing a meta-enterprise, a global exchange of people, information, projects, and resources genetically designed to be generative, to grow and prosper and scale using a dynamic living systems model that is adaptive, cooperative and robust. Enterprise consists of sourcing resources, then organization, then products and services, and finally relationships, connectivity and markets. We are building a scaffolding for essentials and non-essentials that emphasizes global vertically integrated systems that function transparently, making our ventures and initiatives failsafe to find, and then joined, adapted, consumed and expanded. The genetic code for this meta-enterprise is that we can recognize and reward contributors and users across their lifetime with forms of shared ownership and with a variety of forms of shared tangible value. Our Meta-Enterprise is designed for NETS based wealth creation and distribution. Our employees and cooperative participants pool their knowledge and intellectual property into visual packages that will be licensed and sold commercially, channeled into consultancies aimed at funded organizations, and shared at no cost with the commons. Our CENTRO will validate organizations that may then buy, sell, trade, advertise and partner through payments to the WayFinder 360 Banking System involving currency and various alternative forms of valuing. Organizations, after validation, will choose to become an integral partner in WayFinder, using the umbrella of WayFinder for all of its resources and connectivity and transactions. The entire WayFinder domain will be focused on generating a better life for people throughout the world, and a better scaffolding to support ventures and initiatives and bring people together for common purposes. Our priorities will be the essentials for nurture and equality. Our overarching premise is that complexity can best be processed by reducing it to its most meaningful representations. In practice, this demands that we reduce the complexities of science, human minds and human enterprise into small ontological groupings of cognitively digestible visual synthesis. It means that we plan for what we are about to undertake by considering the most generatively vitalizing root elements and nourishing them within a supportive framework – just the way all life evolves and progresses. Simply, our WayFinders extract systemic meaning from the world and create beautiful dynamic visual maps that characterize the user’s objectives – to understand how a system works at certain levels of detail beginning with the highest levels, to solve a problem, to plan the best route for the future, to contribute to the understanding. Our business concept for WayFinder invokes a hybrid between wealth generation and philanthropic value distribution. We believe our unique multifaceted concept of organization will attract a massive network of participants and partners who will distribute the various forms of value generated by the enterprise to its participants and to the citizens of the world.
Our four core principles are to organize our communication and commerce to best Nurture everyone and every thing, to perceive everyone Equally across mind and action, to rigorously pursue a process of honesty and Truth, and to understand that everything is a System, all knowledge is part of a System, and that pursuing Nurture, Equality and Truth requires dedicated, well organized Systems. Everything we do will be open, inclusive, shared, and as beneficial and evidence based as possible.
We plan to build a new model of enterprise, knowledge and societal fabric by deploying the architectural success of generative living systems, by embracing the human aptitude for complex systemic pattern recognition and by crafting an elegantly simple computer aided mechanism for sustainable human organization and valuing. In short, we are building a massively parallel web world by reinventing the way people organize themselves and their economically networked lives.
We propose that we can make the most beneficial impact on the world by empowering a new force, a meta scale cooperative enterprise that has enough resources and collaborative partners to become a self sufficient socio-economic system, governed by an open inclusive process and guided by a core set of principles and objectives.
The wealth generating success of WayFinder comes from our strategic positioning and our unique capacity (knowledge, structure, human process, non-human resources) to make the strategies come to life.
COOPERATIVE ENTERPRISE PARTNERING WayFinder believes the best approach to prosperous beneficent enterprise proliferation is to use 360 valuing to identify people, entrepreneurial teams, venture concepts and existing organizations that meet the standards of NETS. WayFinder plans to exponentially grow by offering a safe resource rich platform for high quality philanthropic enterprise, and by using its scale, networks, 360 banking system and scope to provide its enterprise partners with access to talented people, markets and millions of loyal customers.
UNIVERSAL TOOLKITS One of our initial strategic initiatives is to assemble or create a rich portfolio of toolkits that provide essential or high value benefits to the people and organizations of the world. The toolkits can revolve around growing food, capturing water, medical self help, bicycles, simple machines, manufacturing modules etc.
LAND ACTIVATION It has been estimated that the total value of real estate held – but not legally owned – by the poor in the developing world is $9.3 trillion dollars. This sleeping capital amounts to twice as much money as the total circulating in the U.S. money supply, and over 40 times greater than the amount of all World Bank loans since its inception. The land value is equivalent to 50 to 60 times more assets than all foreign aid given by developed countries since the end of the Second World War. Governments possess millions of acres of unutilized or underutilized land. Corporations, including financial institutions, own millions of acres of sleeping land or undervalued land in distressed areas. We support a large scale effort to negotiate and leverage the active or passive value of land in order to assign benefit to the poor and disenfranchised. Land Trusts, Endowment Zones, Tax Treatments, New Forms of Assignment of Land and New Forms of Land Asset Lending are all mechanisms to generate essential wealth from dormant land and real estate, without sacrificing the values of limited growth, sustainable land use, intelligent green care of the earth. WayFinder proposes to help derive and apply frameworks and toolkits for these options, and also plans to establish branded trusts and investor packages. WayFinder will provide its cooperative wealth sharing mechanisms such as 360 valuing and banking to these efforts. And if trusted 3rd party managers become necessary, WayFinder plans to offer involved parties use of its consultancy and enterprise services to mediate, arbitrate or manage the fair and equitable transfer of land potential into value for all.
HIGH VALUE KNOWLEDGE SERVICES – B2B WayFinder introduces a robust, scalable, collaborative system for knowledge creation that organically extracts various forms of data, evidence and proof from the internet and from conferees, educational institutions, corporations, non-profits, researchers, authors and the commons through an omnipresent web application that requests, feeds and validates content into systemic ontological maps housed dynamically in a gaming like portal called CENTRO.
By creating a meta-network for knowledge, a robust marketplace develops that can track and reward originating sources of high value or high use knowledge, reward WayFinder for its value added role as the institutional collector, processor, packager, licensor and distributor of the content, reward the WayFinder portal for its mass audience, reward the licensors of content with a continuous fresh high value multimedia supply, and reward all end users with superior, accurate, meaningful and entertaining systemic content that can be tailored to best meet their needs.
WayFinder revolutionizes the domain of knowledge by creating a new marketplace that adds value to fresh information and knowledge by making it visually come alive in context, and then by capitalizing high value knowledge through the introduction of a trusted brand that distributes the content through commercial and philanthropic channels with a financial win-win structure that rewards all parties in proportion to the value they generate.
There are a number of strategic cornerstones to WayFinder:
A proprietary omnipresent native mobile application and browser based knowledge network - powered by a suite of knowledge extraction programs that can reach any potential source of information and knowledge, can request and extract content from the sources, can instantly package the knowledge visually and into a master database for further processing, and can broadcast the knowledge through numerous channels to end users.
A patented system of software called Dynamic Semiotics that processes and converts raw data and systemic knowledge into a visual browser based interactive world, similar in form to a video game world. Dynamic Semiotics organizes the data and knowledge into dynamic visual models and maps that offer a universality of applications. The first view of knowledge via Dynamic Semiotics is at the highest levels of meaning – organized in proprietary models that become the universal language for systemic communications – helping anyone better understand the relationships and variables that make up anything complex. Dynamic Semiotics breaks the barriers of language, by introducing visual representations of knowledge that can be intuitively understood. DS not only supports a global knowledge portal, it also becomes the framework for conferences, educators, publishers, business leaders and consumers to use for context and meaning at the highest levels, and for web based search, documentation and drill down detail at the lower levels.
The internet has only in the past few years become capable of delivering real time browser based graphics, animation and sound to users. Even now, the software and hardware necessary to achieve the equivalent of a rich interactive video game experience with high performance and minimal bandwidth delay are still evolving.
We plan to establish vertically and horizontally integrated channels for our raw data and processed knowledge products. Buyers (and licensees) can order custom information and knowledge on an ongoing or situational basis. The knowledge can be simply passed through, or processed by WayFinder and Dynamic Semiotic toolsets or by Institute and Consultancy staff.
WayFinder develops end-to-end contractual relationships that integrate sources of knowledge with users of knowledge. The exclusive or proprietary channels developed by WayFinder can include sourcing agreements with Associations, Conferences, Research, Content Experts, Professional or Consumer Groups or cohorts associated with a particular topic.
WayFinder offers its service packages to each of these sources:
Traditional mass media Web media Publishers News organizations Content providers Decision makers Individual end users Broadcasters
WayFinder adds value to the raw information by packaging it for continuous use and update in visual systemic contexts. The era of just throwing information out for immediate consumption is coming to an end. WayFinder offers a web portal and a constantly refreshed patented visual framework that enables users to find the information and knowledge that they need, and guarantees that the content is current, validated, documented to fully satisfy user objectives.
WayFinder becomes a global brand that delivers high value knowledge and meaning through a portal experience that feels like a video game (CENTRO). In additional to knowledge, WayFinder produces live, recorded and edited/produced multimedia programming based upon knowledge event broadcasts, interviews, screen captures, mediated formats etc. WayFinder can create a television show or web broadcast from any form of symposium or electronic forum.
WayFinder changes the entire value proposition whenever a group of people who possess valuable knowledge or opinions has not had a systemic opportunity to share that knowledge with the rest of the world, or even with their peers.
Imagine this scenario via WayFinder:
2,000 doctors are able to instantly ask critical questions of their peers, with the answers captured as graphic demographically filterable responses in the form of numbers, text or voice. Have any of you experienced complications from this procedure? What did you do about it? The interactive extraction of high value life saving knowledge can occur via instant polling, instant grouped text messaging, instant queued voice, collaborative wiki processes and instant follow-up by a skilled mediator.
This exchange produced new knowledge that will save lives and alter the decisions of doctors and patients all over the world. It becomes immediate news, it becomes immediate knowledge to be entered into Wayfinder's dynamic models, it becomes a multimedia segment for broadcast or playback anywhere in the world, it becomes expert knowledge to be placed into decision algorithms until new knowledge comes along on that same subject. The intellectual property from this exchange can be licensed for commercial use across a multitude of channels, and can be made available to the commons via the WayFinder CENTRO web site.
Nobody owns the social networking channel for high value knowledge. Thousands of professional conferences and thousands of groups of all kinds gather every day around the world. There is an enormous opportunity cost and an even larger opportunity when groups with information, knowledge, thoughts, experiences, case histories, observations and needs find no mechanism to capture and organize their knowledge, and no outlet or channel for others to receive that information in a way that is mutually beneficial.
A large gathering of people diagnosed with a disease is an extraordinary opportunity to empower them to query each other, to explore ideas and solutions, to share experiences and offer insight to others with a similar diagnosis.
WayFinder proposes to create a high value knowledge network. At one end of the network continuum are the sources of high value information. These can be individuals, conferees, web communicators, organizational staffs, stadium fans, television viewers, theater audiences, website and blog followers.
WayFinder would semi-autonomously contact the convener of groups or the source of a sourcing community and negotiate an agreement for some form of query or some form of initiated output. The conveners and sources would receive the benefits of real time access to the value added information as would all participants. The process of interaction and extraction can exist across a spectrum of possibilities that includes remote moderators, live filming and broadcasting of the event and subsequent interviews, breaking news from specific sources of newsworthy content, and full access to WayFinder’s proprietary ontological maps and web sites.
Critical to the success of WayFinder is the capture of an entire continuum of networked source providers integrated with an entire continuum of high value channels for distribution. The inclusion of and collaboration with many partners and channels benefits everyone.
WayFinder focuses specifically on the extraction, processing, communication and application of high value knowledge. We believe there is a transcendent opportunity to create a global knowledge channel that is driven not to churn out data and descriptions and stories but instead to visually organize complex high value knowledge to solve problems and take advantage of opportunities. Sensing, synthesizing and acting upon external information is a critical function for viable living systems, yet there is no neural network or intelligent meta system channel for managing essential knowledge anywhere in the world. We propose to create a browser based video game like portal, a CENTRO, that interacts dynamically with its widely distributed contributors and users, to meet their objectives at any level of density or perspective. We intend to quickly become a trusted brand and widely used resource for essential high value knowledge.
Our web platform and proprietary systems move knowledge into the realm of visual representation – allowing relationships and exchanges and meaning to be embedded and extracted with an elegantly simple interface – taming and harnessing complexity and redirecting what was overwhelming data flow – introducing a revolutionary, disruptive, productive, innovative high performance service business that enables any user to better achieve their objectives.
Roughly, over 500 Billion Dollars is spent by corporations on advertising this year. That is approximately $100 for every targeted adult in the world. We are going to create a disruptive new channel for selected companies to reach their customers that creates a large scale dedicated buying group who directly purchase products and services within WayFinder. This mass action distribution mechanism significantly reduces the costs of advertising, inventory and sales to companies and incentivizes the buyers by introducing lower prices, trustworthy NETS based competitor comparisons, and additional benefits such as shares of the company’s stock and warranties. ----------------------------------------